Discourse Updated to 3.1.0.beta5

We just updated Discourse to the latest version:

The most important user facing changes are:

Customize the “Community” section of the navigation menu

Admins can now edit the Community section (image) of the header dropdown navigation menu to set defaults that suit their communities. They are free to add / remove / re-order items, and change icons and links. In this release, the navigation menu also has support for adding sub-subcategories.

User tips now enabled by default


User tips were introduced in Discourse 3.0, but are now enabled by default to continue supporting users new to Discourse.

Updated hashtag styles for categories, tags, and chat channels

To make the new hashtag system consistent across Discourse, we unified styles across categories, tags, chat channels and the autocomplete system. After positive feedback to the feature, we enabled it across all Discourse sites.


Now that we can edit the Community menu, I moved our FAQ from the ‘more’ section to the always visible section, hoping this will make onboarding for new users a bit easier:
