Discourse Updated to 3.2.0beta1

We just updated Discourse to the latest version. Included updates are:

The most important user facing changes are:

New Discourse Lightbox using Glimmer

Discourse “lightboxes” uploaded images into a nice overlay that contains the full-size image and in this version, we begin to transition from the old Magnific popup library to an implementation based on Glimmer . To try out the improved system, check the enable experimental lightbox setting,

Bart: I have enabled this setting for now, please let me know if there are any issues.

Image grid in posts

We added a new feature that can arrange images (or other media) into a grid in posts. Users can add the [grid] tag around images or uploads manually, or they can use an icon next to the first image in a block of images in the composer preview to toggle the grid on/off.

Simplifying the main section of the navigation menu


We have removed the section heading of the main section of the navigation menu. The section now takes up a bit less space and is no longer collapsible, so the most important links are always visible while the menu is open. The section is still configurable by admins via a link in the More… menu.

For more background about this change see this topic .

Introducing ‘loading slider’ for page navigation

To replace the full-page loading spinner with a loading bar at the top of the screen, functionality from the Horizontal loading slider #theme-component::category was merged into Discourse.