Discourse updated to 3.4.0.beta4-dev

I just updated our Discourse installation from 3.2.0.beta2-dev to beta4-dev. Most changes are related to the admin, the chat module (which we only use internally for the moderation team), and security.

If you notice any new issues, please leave a reply!


Super sauce Bart! Because this was scary …

… more beer! Cheers!!

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Whenever any maintainace will be made… someone will recognize… whether it is early in the morning in the netherlands or late evening… someone will ask themself in the middle of the day: " What the… "??

(at least it was not as long as for PolyCount… :smile_cat: )

…i noticed it when the “copy link” changed from showing the link in some text-overlay to just marking the chain-icon green with additional checkmark and text “link copied…” (every thing in green) and almost wanted to ask… because theer was nothing here (back then)… and while i typed it… “update” …:grin:


Hehe yeah I know it can be jarring. Fortunately with Discourse it usually takes less than 15 minutes.

It’s good to know how much everyone loves the forum though :slight_smile:


Polycount was a little DNS hickup, thankfully fixed now!

Yepp… this was by far weirder… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

( maybe another plus point for this system used here… ?? IDK…)

We’ve noticed some occasional glitches with private messages and user profiles, I’m working on troubleshooting. If something isn’t working right, please shoot me a DM with your error log from your browser console, thanks!

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There was something funky going on with the component that renders the social media links on user profiles. I disabled that while we look in to it.


What is it exactly ?
Chat app about Blender ?
Did some searches but none the wiser, might check it out if it’s cool.

This website runs on Discourse

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