Discworld: Unseen University

Cheers guys

Here is the tower partly done. Time to call it a day though I think…


This is really sweet! Totally subscribing.

Cheers :slight_smile:

A look at how i did the tower. There was some head scratching but it’s the most fun i’ve had so far.


next part…


Forgive me, but isn’t that a rather odd way of making the tower. Surely a creating the first step and then a simple screw modifier would have been a LOT easier than all that clicking?

I did think of using a screw, but then the thought of adding the outer walls to the stairs made my head hurt. I’m sure it’s possible to do it that way though :slight_smile:

Front of the great hall getting there…


Old windows

New windows

i feel the new ones are a bit more interesting, even if somewhat odd.


New tree test.

managed to work out a way to get random UV placements by using RGB levels.

Better? worse?


Better, definitely. This thread isn’t only heading towards WOW. It’s already there! It’s fun to watch your progress.

Cheers Minoribus

Little update


I definitely like the new tree version in #49. It’s all really coming together nicely. I think it’s cool how you mixed up high detail (decorative trims) with low poly.

Cheers harley.

i really was going for low poly, but the more I do, the more I keep adding detail. I fact when I finish this round of modelling,I’m going to have to go back to the first couple of buildings I did to get them to the same level of detail as the others.

im still pushing for the 'high-detail low-poly’that I’ve been after for a while. I hope I’m not loosing the low poly feel though…

tweak the lighting abit! other then that love the modeling… would be a really cool game level, also very nice

High detail low poly is a good description and it makes a good part of the charm - besides the texturing, of course. And my eyes can roam through your renders and still detect new pleasing details.

Hanzo: Don;t worry, i haven’t even started on the lighting yet.

Cheers Minoribus

Quick test to check that the materials don;t completely go off with different lighting…


Finally getting some time to myself. So back to blender!

Starting on the front door.


Bit more done.


Good to see you back again Monk… I’m liking the detailing you’ve added. Are you using any displacement on the field stone walls?

Cheers Harley. Good to be back. Here is the wall material. A small amount of displacement - a mixture of brick and paper texture.
