Dispersion prism

I have been playing with that dispersion shader in the video for the last few weeks.

This is the best I got prism wise:

(I can almost here the music :slightly_smiling_face:)

The shader is the one that we were making in this thread,

but for the prism I had to gave it a twist.

I used the diffuse ray depth to mix the shader (with nothing?) at the end of the node group.

Also there is a ground plane that intersects the prism, It needs to intersect for the outgoing rays to be visible.

I do not know why I get the purple in the middle where green should be.

I still do not really understand what is going on with this, if you get rid of the last mix shader with the diffuse depth as factor all the colours just mix together.

It is a cheat but I think that is inevitable with Cycles.

Here is the file:
Prism.blend (124.1 KB)