Displace modifier using vertex color

Is there any way to use vertex color as displacement map?
I have some ideas that needs the displacement modifier used with vertex color.
Vertex color and RGB to XYZ mode…
In 2.79 there is a point density mode in texture map which has a vertex color but that doesn’t work with displace modifier.

I too came here looking for this.
I have found the displacement modifiers in Blender do not have a way to actually displace vertices. I kind of need it because I am actually displacing vertices in Unity, and I was hoping to mimic the shader I made in Unity in Blender so I can create easier in Blender.

And I am actually using vertex colors to do the displacing. So I am hoping there is a way to do the same in Blender.

I can think of a hack way to do it, which is bake the vertex colors to a UV map, and then using the UV map with the displacement modifier. I’d much prefer a shader node, however.

EDIT: hack way does not work, as UV texture is not one of the options for texture in the displacement modifier.

You can do that with geometry node now.


for clarification, to future readers, gritche means geometry nodes, which is a fairly new Blender feature, and not the geometry node in the shader editor.

Geometry Nodes have to be turned on in preferences, but I think they may be the answer to my question. Will report back.

Thanks, Good News…

Thanks a lot. Please tell us if it is possible with Geo nodes so i can mark @gritche answer as solution.