Displacement and modifier displace


Is it possible to make shapes in Blender’s: material displacement like what happens in Unreal Engine as in the image below?


In my tests, Blender’s : Displacement has immensely lower quality than Blender’s : Modifier Displace

what would be the best option ? displacement or modifier displace ?


Download a texture from PolyHaven to get a full exemple of a Adaptive Subdivision set up (Cycles only).
Be sure to download the Blender file:

An example:

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great tip

but I want to use displacement on square shapes like a cube and without seams.
as in Unreal Engine like the image above.

same as the Displace modifier.


made an amendment here.

Is there anything to configure?


Note that it’s still an experimental feature.

I used some PolyHaven materials but changed the projection to Box on all textures:


You need to bevel the cube (or use support edges so it can support subdivision) and make sure it’s smooth shaded.


Does anyone know how to do this in Substance Designer?
seamless displacement?

the problem when using height in Substance is this in the image
the edge opens.

Is there a way to resolve this?



I don’t have Designer but I wouldn’t be surprised if it used a different method to display the displacement or perhaps simply that the faces of the cube aren’t joined.

Have you even tried using this texture created with Designer in Blender?
Your goal (even if it’s a bit vague to us) is to render in Blender (not Designer)?