How can I make the edges of a cube not have these defects in material displacement? with and without the bevel modifier?
How can I make the edges of a cube not have these defects in material displacement? with and without the bevel modifier?
Play with the midlevel of the displacement node, if it is not enough decrease strengh.
I tried your solution.
It’s not the result I want to have.
I want a big change without the seams showing.
Thank you for your help
What exactly is what you means by seems showing? Only self-intersection, or something more?
Would that be okay:
I didn’t use bevel, because it doesn’t play nicely with subdiv. What I used for this image is catmul-clark subdiv with crease. I know it is not the same as bevel, but would that work in your case?
If the stretched noise near the edges bothers you, getting rid of that is a bit more difficult, because it has to do with the coordinate mapping. (The ‘arc’ around the edge is mapped to a much smaller coordinate range). You would have to do extra treatment of the edges, e.g. by using vertex weights to detect how close you are to the edge and add extra noise there. Or what also might work is using UV-coordinates (with deliberate stretching of the faces need the edge).
if we have a more complex form like the image below, how can we use displacement ?
another question:
is it possible to apply displacement in the way we apply a modifier?
Uh, that is more difficult, as displacing along the normals inevitably gives you self-intersections, without precautions. Obviously in convex regions you have to displace in positive direction, while in concave regions in negative direction (to be mostly safe).
What I would do, is to create multiple vertex groups to mark at which places displacement should go in which direction, feed this info into some math nodes then use the vector displace node.
Not that I were aware of. But what you can do is using geometry nodes instead of material nodes to displace. The geometry node modifier can then be applied.
do you know any tutorials?
Sorry. Not really.
How can I hugely subdivide a mesh to the point where a displacement with musgrave with a very large scale becomes smooth?
Are you talking about the artificial limit of 6 levels on the subdiv modifier? Well, you can always use 2 or more modifiers to get an arbitrarily fine subdivision.
But for practical purposes, likely you can’t make it fine enough for the case you have in mind, as CPU/memory usage will explode before.
What I would do is use 2 separate displacement textures, a coarse and a fine one. Use displacement for the course one, and bump for the fine one. If you use Musgrave only in fBM mode, it’s trivial to split (use 2 musgrave textures with reduced detail setting).
it is appropriate to always use the bump for fine details , right ?
is there a way to use bump to highlight edges like parallax?
You can also type number higher than 6 by hand and the modifier will work.
I principle you can enable ‘displacement and bump’, and it is supposed to automatically use bump for the fine details, but it doesn’t sensibly figure out what should be considered ‘fine’, so most of the time the result is a mess.
You are talking about parallax occlusion mapping? No, Blender cannot do that (currently). There was some discussion about it a year ago or so, but it doesn’t look like it will be implemented any time soon. Probably isn’t very easy to do with procedural materials also.
@silex good to know, haven’t noticed that…