Displacement map from texture

I’ve got a texture of an engraving I want to put on a glass model, but I can’t seem to get displace->texture to work properly.
I want some sort of result that’s the same as the texture map I place on it, but there’s a huge issue in using displacement because it won’t automatically tile the texture when the UV map is larger than the texture area.
Then when i do get it to work it looks nothing like the normal map :(.
Is there anything I can do to fix this, aside from sculpting the engraving by hand?

to do this first use the displacement modifier

then you need to subdivide a lot
it’s a problem with displacement modfiifer or you could try to make a black and white bump map and apply it as UV map normal
which may work !

you can find a tut at blenderguru
check out the snow tut

hope it helps

happy 2.5

You are a member since 2008 but only 16 posts and it is hard to assume your level of knowledge.

However you are talking about displacement and normal map in the same paragraph. They are nothing alike, have got nothing to do with each other, they don´t even live in the same town :smiley:

Displacement = change the location of geometry vertices according to a value taken from a pixel in a texture.
Normal map = change the normal vector for per pixel shading according to 3 values (normalized normalvector) taken from a texture.

Displacement directly affects geometry, as the name says it displaces, and as Ricky said, the higher the amount of vertices the better it works.

Normal mapping ONLY affects the shading, not the geometry, but as it affects the per pixel shading, it even works on a triangle with only 3 vertices.

So my guess is you try to use displacement on something with virtually no geometry.

Something like this maybe?


ras_name_on_ring.blend (442 KB)

so you basically use a simple balck and white image for the text and UV map
but don’t see any NOR value added

you added some cloud text and added to it a displacement modifier to create the depth effect here!

but a little slow on my PC !

happy 2.5

Well I did sub divide alot, that wasn’t the issue. If i add more subdivisions (or multires is what i’m using) then it does look a bit shaper, but it still looks like crap compared to the normal map and i have a polygon limit i can’t go over so i’m kind of stuck.

I got a normal map just by taking a color image and interpreting it as a tangent normal map.
That looks fine, it looks like an engraving; but I want the actual geometry to mimic the normal map because for the purpose of the model I can’t use any textures or maps. (I’m 3d printing it)

Now not only does using the same black and white image make the displacement map go berserk, but it doesn’t seem like it’s tiling either. So I’ve got this god awful displacement that is way larger and lower resolution than i want, and it’s going crazy producing nonsense vertice displacement.

I tried doing the image in greyscale, didn’t help. Perhaps I need to read up on my displacement map making, i thought displacement maps were just some sort of greyscale.

Basically it seems like I have a polygon limit of 500,000 and the image won’t wrap properly either.
The only solution I can think of is making a really precise correctly made displacement map instead of screwing with some photo and hoping it turns out nicely. :ba:

Normal map
via displacement map; the best I could get it.

Note these two images are using the SAME uv map and coordinates.


Now i’ve noticed another problem; though the normal map appears to be tiling automatically because the UV coordinates are set as far larger than the map…when i render it, it experiences the same non-tiling problem.
I’m a bit rusty at blender X D, is it not supposed to repeat the texture automatically X D?
I guess i’ll just make a texture that’s the proper size pre-tiled or something…

well first of all this is a very high res model!
so need a huge amount of verts to do it and subidvision!

there is a displacement script to make a displacement map from a picture
or check out the plug in for bas relief but not for vista !

but if you cannot use texture (printing )then your kind of stuck here !
but the displacement script might do it but again this would be a huge file and vert count in millions to do it !

best way to model this i think in real mesh wold be to sue sculp in 2.5 which can deal with millions of vertices!

can you upload a good picture of the model somwhere so we can experiemnt with this model!

happy 2.5

happy 2.5