Displacement Modifier - 32 bit EXR files

Hi guys, how are you doing?

I hope this is the right place to open this thread.

I´m trying to achieve in Blender, the same accurate result I get in Vray´s displacement modifier inside max.

Following this tutorial (which works flawlessly) I couldn´t figure out how to use the 32 bit exr displacement map generated in ZBrush, in Cycle´s Displacement modifier. Then I tried grayscale images and the results were lame.

Do you know how to address that issue?

Thanks in advance!

You can get this to work in Blender. However, something seems to be wrong with the EXR file supplied with the tutorial, as it shows just black in Blender. Simply opening the file in Photoshop and resaving with default settings fixed this for me:

You might have to rotate the mesh you apply the map to and then do a Ctrl-A > Rotation in order to compensate for the varying displacement vectors between zBrush and Blender.

Most important things to mind are the unclamping of the colors in the texture settings and the RGB to XYZ mode in the Displace modifier. Still you will need a ghastly amount of geometry for this to look nice, as Blender does not do subpolygon displacement. In my example I ended with about 4.2 million faces.

Wow, that was fast and accurate.

Thanks a lot Ikari.

I´m not sure about rotating the model, as the mesh is a glove, but let me share the result and tell you how I got that.

I used the vector displacement map exporter in ZBrush to generate the displacement map and it worked smoothly. The regular Displacement Map (which generates a red and black one) always loads blank in Blender. Also, I did as you told me and changed the direction to RGB to XYZ and unchecked the clamp checkbox. Not sure though which color space I should use, so I kept it on Linear. I added a Multires modifier as you did and subdivided it twice. Under that I used a Subdivision Surface modifier with one subdiv. I also kept the normal map on the node with a lower value, that helped to render faster on the viewport as I didn´t have to divide the mesh too much.

I own a Radeon, I´m saving to buy a Geforce and use the GPU render, so it demands quite a lote from the CPU now.

What do you think, any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

I can’t help you but that is a glove to be proud of! Nice work.