Hello, please, can you help me with a little problem- ive used MicroDisplacement before in 2.79 and all worked fine. Now, I have this problem, that all my displacements get slanted like this (see image).
I am actually following Gleb alexandrovs tutorial step by step and I still get this result. The only thing I found was that the Displacement setting in Shader tab changed from True/Bump/Both changed to Displacement and Bump/Displacement only/Bump Only but it seems to be working the same way…
Can somebody help me, tell what I might be doing wrong?
You need to use Displacement Node. It’s a new node, his tutorial might be slightly older. Notice blue (vector) socket on displacement input at Material Output node.
hey man, how did it work for you, where did you put the displacement node ? can you please send a screenshot of it ? and how did you manege to set it to true ?