Displacement Texture Skewed?

Hello! I’m trying to understand why my Displacement maps are skewed when applied to amesh. Is this the nature of how the displacement occurs? I thought they would go up or down in Z-space rather than being slanted at a 45-degree angle.

Here are a few shots with an increase in scale from .05 to .1

Any insight about would be appreciated. Thank you!

could you share your file? (with the texture packed)

Have you tried applying Rotation and Scale to the object with Ctrl+A

Here is the blend file with external data appended.


Thanks for taking a look,

I just tried “Apply All” and also applying rotation and scale, no change to the displacement.Thank you for the suggestion though.

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Use displacement node instead of vector displacement.

Your using Vector Displacement and not Displacement, is it what you want ? I don’t know what Vector Displacement is for

Vector displacement is used for vector displacement maps. Compared to normal displacements maps they can do overhangs and represent more than just displacement in one direction. Also compared to displacement maps you can’t usually hand paint them and so on. Just bake them.


ok thanks I’ll take a look at that :wink:

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I switched out the Vector Displacement node with the Displacement node, and I’m still getting that 45
degree offset. Thoughts?

Scene File: Displacement Test

Thank you!

Just connect the color output of the texture to the height input of the displacement (instead of vector).

I suppose the texture has height information (single value / greyscale), not normal information (like XYZ), that’s why it is skewed in a 45 degree angle (since Blender copies the same value to the X,Y and Z coordinates of the vector).


Perfect! That did the trick, thank you Millani appreciate the insight.