Dissolving object

Greetings Blender folks! :smiley:

I am trying to figure out a technique for dissolving an object, more specific, an image plane with a texture.

I have seen quite a lot of videos were people dissolve objects with some old method in BI or particles in cycles.

The thing is that I want to have an image plane with a texture, like a real life photograph and make it dissolve or crumble into small pieces or maybe blown away in the wind.

I have found one method that kinda works; plane - subdivide a couple of times - “quick explode”, set the particle amount up and apply explode modifier - separate by loose parts - add rigid body and then add a force of some kind.

So does anyone have any tips for me? Know of any way to split an plane into random little parts? :eyebrowlift2:

I mean the explode modifier splits it up but in a kinda odd way. Maybe i need to play more with the settings.