I’m trying to distort a texture using a normalmap. The texture is set to Reflection, the normalmap is set to UV texture coordinates, but it doesn’t distort, only shows the normalmap. I want to make my texture be distorted by the normalmap. Why isn’t it turning out like I want it to? I was able to do this easily in 2.79, so how can I do it in 3.6.1?
For clarity, the Normalmap is plugged into a Mapping node after the UV one, which allows me to adjust the size of it. A normal map node has a strength of 3 and plugs into a Diffuse BDSF node, which plugs into Output. The colour texture is much the same, except without the Normal Map node, and plugs into the Colour slot of the Diffuse BDSF. It also has a Mapping node right after a Texture Coordinate node to give it Reflection-based coordinates.
In the manual:
Uses the direction of the reflection vector as coordinates. This is useful for adding reflection maps. You will need this input when using environment maps.
Dont use the Reflection. Meanings have changed from 2.79. Look at the light path node.
So - Cycles or EEVEE? Only Cycles has actual displacement but you need to go into the Shader settings and set Cycles to use displacement.
![Bump or Displacement](https://blenderartists.org/uploads/default/original/4X/6/3/d/63d289f9adf0c62827aa454bad45fd03a94184c5.png)
Change Bump to one of the Displacement options. And plug a Displacement node into the displacement output. Displacement is only visible in Render Preview or in a Render.
Gives a bump map with the image. I am not waiting for my non-Nvidea GPU to produce an image with real displacement. ![:man_shrugging:t4: :man_shrugging:t4:](https://blenderartists.org/images/emoji/twitter/man_shrugging/4.png?v=12)
Using reflection produced random reflections of the world environment on each face of the mesh. AKA only noise.
I’m on EEVEE. I’m trying to make the texture distort through use of the normalmap to drive the distortion.