Distorting text in Blender

Please help this newbie solve his problem! I’ve spent several hours trying to solve it by myself, then searching for an answer online. No joy!

I am trying to modify text so it looks like in the image below:

The “distorted” text in the picture was created in Inkscape by manipulating the object’s path envelope, then importing the saved .svg file in Blender.

However, I am unable to find any guide or tip on how to modify the text to obtain the desired effect, nor a modifier that will do such feat. Then again, did I mention I’m a newbie?

Thank you for your help!

Few Options:

  • Modifier: simple deform (properties > modifiers)
  • Convert Text to Mesh, then for example lattice modifier

Thank you, Peetie!

The second option worked: text to mesh, add lattice, then lattice modifier. The downside is I don’t have text anymore, so if I want to change the text, I’ll have to redo the whole process. But I can live with it. :grin:

I tried the Simple Deform modifier - was unable to successfully create the shape, regardless of the options. (As I mentioned before: newbie!) Will keep trying, there must be something I am missing here…:thinking:

Thank you again!

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did a test with 2.80 – Text w/ Simple Modifier works fine
distortedText_280.blend (65.9 KB)

Still on 2.79b… right now, 2.8 file crashed Blender. Thank you for your feedback, though. It is much appreciated!

I also managed to make the Simple Deform work, after adding an Empty single arrow, and rotating it -90 deg (on Y-axis), as see in the image below. (It takes a little longer to figure out things, as I am not yet proficient using this awesome tool.)

Kind regards.

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Yes, 2.79 Simple deformer Taper behaves strange (scales on Z, but Text has Z = 0 --> needs an Empty)
in 2.80, Taper works OOB on Text - as it should, no Empty needed.

Follow-up: I cannot apply the modifier, though. It says: " Error. Cannot apply modifier for this object type". But the manual says it works on text. Hmm! :confused:
Back to square 1… more trials.

Another follow-up: with the Simple Deform modifier still not applied, I converted the text to mesh. The mesh kept the shape created by the Simple Deform modifier. However, I have a mesh again like in the 2nd option (see my response to Peetie), not a font anymore. Well… I guess I must keep on trying. :slightly_smiling_face:

As for 2.80: I’ll wait until it’s ready for production. I’m having enough difficulties with the current version to add new difficulties created by various bugs in a new version - I won’t know whether a problem is created by a bug or my own incompetence. :grinning: