Divide rectangle in random sized smaller rectangles, how?

Hi, anyone knows an algorithm in Geonodes for getting a rectangle divided into random sized smaller rectangles? (Maybe with a recursion?)

Higgsas Nodes has a recursive subdivider in it: (Higgsas) Geometry Nodes Groups Blender 3.3/3.4/3.5

The particular pattern you’ve shown is a little trickier though (not no originating cut that goes from one side to the opposite) … using the ‘cut in half-ish’, cut each result in half-ish, etc. etc., is a bit easier.


Also you can try this face divider node group


Thank you!

Could you maybe tell, I would need it not as a divided mesh but as instantiated grids. So I can get the center points of each face, but how would I transfer each face proportions to scale the instantiated grids?

To be clearer, I want to instantiate several other shaped objects exactly fitting into the rectangle dimensions → split edges wouldn`t be the solution. With “Mesh to Points” (faces) I can get the center points, but how can I retrieve the dimensions of each rectangle?

Here is setup for that

face_divider_aligment.blend (159.6 KB)


Thank you so much <3

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