DJ Unknown - Prisoners of Gravity - Album Art


Album Art


I was commissioned to do the album art for the second album of my all time favorite client and commission: DJ Unknown. You’ll be able to get these in physical on vinyl, on cassette or with digital copies - it’s surreal seeing my artwork used on print and real-life products. I cant’ wait to get my hands on one of them.

For production details, these were built on and based on my painterly technique done with Eevee and Bforartists - a 2 pass render. Hopefully I can go to the Bcon and talk about it. It’s mostly shader based with temporal coherance and animation built in, edge breakup based on fresnel, and a spacial coherance system.

Where to find the physical products:



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Whoops, I posted the wrong link. Frrrriiday!

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OH thank you, always makes my day getting these pings.

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Oh, I’m animating something. (more promotion)

The animation is turning out fun, now rendering to disk. I did him on 3s, the headset on 2’s, the rest on 1s. It will be a fun little animated album art.

Character animation, it’s not my forte, but heyo it’s really fun.

Till the render is done, here is a preview viewport playback recording with the rest showing.

The album is out today, btw!