DND point of interest

Is it weird that I like the non-matching colors? The previous pass was with darker, greenier trees but it acts more like a camouflage to the whole artwork. Anyway, that’s a concept I did for the DnD campaign I am in. Started with blender, finished with photoshop. Hope you like it!


It has a classic painting flavour, I like the atmosphere a lot

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Damn, that’s such a great compliment! Thank you

The way the light is highlighting the subject is a master stroke. The atmospheric stuff really sells it too. Nice work.

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Thanks! Lately I have been turning more attention towards the lighting and atmosphere so having left such impression feels really good!

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Wonderfull! I like this lighting

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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if your goal is to make realistic images you fail, because these still look like 3d graphics in modern games, even unreal engine 5 can do better than this.