So I have cat with three different colored furs.
I have a UV established for the base cat model and generated a black, gray and white material.
When working with hair and adding white hair (white material assigned to hair property) I get an error message stating that UV islands can not overlap.
I’m assuming the UV doesn’t automatically reproduce itself on any materials that I add?
UVs belong to meshes, not materials. You can have as many materials as you like using the same UVs.
The new Fur GNs use UVs to interpolate so UVs not being allowed to overlap is a separate issue.
If you have overlapping UVs for your materials and you’re fine with that then you should create a new UV for your fur which doesn’t overlap.
Good luck.
So then the fur is considered a mesh as well which requires it’s own UV?
Maybe this explain more:
No. Fur/hair is curves. For the purposes of this discussion it uses the Mesh’s UVs that it is attached to.
Thanks, Sergey
Cool. Thanks.
Sorry about basic questions - I’ve been playing around in Blender on and off since it’s release back in the 2000’s but that was all for basic box-modeling. Recently I’ve been attempting to understand particles.
No problem. Do some UV tutorials. UVs is a very fundamental topic and you’ll make your life easier by grasping that as it fills in many knowledge gaps. (a lot of seemingly unrelated topics rely on understanding UVs)
Good luck.