Following one of Samuel Krug’s YouTube tutorials, I created this sun. Of course, that YouTube tutorial was about creating a solar eclipse, not the sun itself. So I made a few small changes to the scene. Now do you think this looks like the sun or not?
No one answered me
Add some turbulence to surface of the sun:
Well, how does the sun look actually? To me it’s pretty much something like this:
Or this:
So, no those don’t look like the sun to me
It depends on what you are trying to achieve. What’s the context?
Sun can look very differently. Have a look at photos of it on NASA’s website
But that’s not how it looks! Those are images made with various filters or even illustrations based on data collected in various ways.
Like this for example:
I doubt I will ever wake up and see something like this out of my window. I hope not.
You have not provided any context so maybe that’s why you are not getting response.
I remember looking at the sun through my grandfathers telescope (dont do that without filter, obviously) and the image strikes me as similar. I dont remember the flares around it being that strong ( or any at all) but the telescope was probably not strong enough and also who cares, they look cool.
National Geographic has similar images, so it can’t be that wrong:
I also stumbled across Samuel Krugs YT channel recently and like it al lot.
I will try
Thank you
Or this one:
seriously: Yours may not look like “our” sun… but it’s a pretty one
Thank you