This script is a input helper script for Text object(It uses Tk widget, “Tkinter”)
It can input unicode text,Japanese Kanji,Katakana,Hiragana,
also French , German , Chinese , Korean ,Cyrillic…
Blender 2.40 (or higher version) supports unicode text (text object), but there is no relation to input method like M$-IME.
Before,a way to input Japanese,it uses saved textfile(utf-8 encoded) and “insert text” button. Just like this; http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=80247&highlight=Japanese
I want to edit a text more directly, so I written it.
pyhon supports unicode text too (2.4x) and ready to use Tk widget set(also Tk supports Unicode input/edit).so I decide to use python.
It supports
Blender 2.40-2.46
Python 2.5,Tkinter(You must install full-set-install)
Linux with SCIM and GTK (or KDE?)
Windows 2000(SP4)/XP/Vista SP1 (If you not apply SP1 yet,this script may not be able to handle M$-IME from this)
this script still have some problem:
1.Tkinter seems that it supports RTL( Right-To-Left: like arabic , old Japanese), But Blender does not Support this.
2.Blender stopped when grub text3d objects ,create it. This happens more often at handling many words.
3.Some Language can’t output on my console (cmd.exe:CP932)…
and(I need a help)…
a.Can this script run on OS X?
b.I don’t know how to input Other language on Other OS.
c.I want to decolate 3Dtext with materials, What Blender API can I use?
d.You need ‘International’ font,but these fonts are huge size.
e.Blender’s text editor doesn’t support Japanese and other Language.
It’s bad news for Windows vista user(it might be very little problem for this community).
I could’t input Kanji character to textbox using this script from keyboard when M$-IME was active on Vista,It cant handle IME.
but input from tablet(pen-writing) is ok,and I could input Kanji to IDLE textbox using Keyboard, too.
I can’t quite understand these defference.:no:
please help…
I think that It relate to Vista (and tkinter), not blender.
but a few person who use this script must be “blenderhead”
Update(Sorry it is only some info, I did not change/improve this script for a while.)
It can handle M$-IME on Vista SP1.
I checked if it can run at Blender 2.46. - it’s working!!
It support French,German,Japanese,Chinese,Koeran,Cyrillic…
I made a video http://www.vimeo.com/1568245
It supports
Blender 2.40-2.46
Python 2.5,Tkinter(You must install full-set-install)
Linux with SCIM and GTK (or KDE?)
Windows 2000(SP4)/XP/Vista SP1 (If you not apply SP1 yet,this script may not be able to handle M$-IME from this)
this script still have some problem:
1.Tkinter seems that it supports RTL( Right-To-Left: like arabic , old Japanese), But Blender does not Support this.
2.Blender stopped when grub text3d objects ,create it. This happens more often at handling many words.
3.Some Language can’t output on my console (cmd.exe:CP932)…
and(I need a help)…
a.Can this script run on OS X?
b.I don’t know how to input Other language on Other OS.
c.I want to decolate 3Dtext with materials, What Blender API can I use?
d.You need ‘International’ font,but these fonts are huge size.
e.Blender’s text editor doesn’t support Japanese and other Language.
hello manda,
i also tryed to write a chinese text inside the blender text…cant seme to make it work on my windows…did you manage to find out how to do this?
I see the text above the 3D text in that screenshot (the lines that reads “text”, “text”, “ooiee”, up to “Python 2.5.1” and the other blue texts) and I was wondering if you could help me in http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=140855 if it is what I think it is, a bitmap text.
Anyway, nice contribution. It’s a shame that I’m using Blender 2.48a though. Thanks.
I wrote some lines to use unicode object on my script for non ascii text,instead to string object.
because blender treat text as unicode.
I did change default encode( in python scripting) , and use some tricks:)
Change default encoding to “utf-8”,because blender can’t handle other encodings , like “shift-jis” and “euc-jp”.I wrote two lines in “sitecustomize.py”
import sys
add a header in my script , python can recognize encoding in script.
I read your all message.
I think your script is not working in Mac OS X.
I am using PowerMac Dual 2.0G and Blender 2.48a.
Could you tell me website where I can download script for Mac OS X?