Does anyone else use Quixel Mixer? It seems so slow that it's unusable

I’ve now burned a full week trying to make Quixel Mixer work for a model I’m working on, and between terrible lag, long loading times and frequent crashes I’m starting to feel this software simply doesn’t work.

Is it me? Am I doing something wildly wrong?

I’m trying to texture a roughly 500,000 poly model, about six materials across an 4K 8 UDIM space. It’s not small but it doesn’t seem any bigger than some of the example models Mixer has in it.

But it’s unworkable. It crashes constantly, and as far as I can tell the paintbrush is simply not working - though when I have tried it on simple planes even there it lags so much as to be unusable.

I’m running on an intel i7 and GTX 1650Ti.

Do I just need to bite the bullet and pay for Substance Painter? Or is there another reason I’m having so many problems?

They do recommend a GTX-1080 and if you compare your card fro example on videocardbenchmark compare GeForce-GTX-1080 GeForce-GTX-1650-Ti then this older card would be twice as fast… and has also the recommended 8GB of VRAM…
So IDK if buying some other software which also recommends some more power (see substance3d.adobe technical-requirements) will help… but there is a trial version of SP… (!?)

To me the main reason for switching to Substance Painter would be for the functionality and not necessarily for the speed (although I have never had any issues with speed in SP).

There are things you can easily do in SP that aren’t quite so clear cut in Quixel Mixer.

I but the bullet and bought painter since I knew I’d have to learn it one day anyway, just was a bit tight on money and trying to avoid it. I actually was preferring how mixer worked (besides the slowness of course), I found it really hard to work out painter when I tried a trial, I guess I just need to be patient and find a few good tutorials! (I also seemed to have none of the starter assets all the tutorials have? don’t know if there’s something I’m meant to download).

Hmm well perhaps I should give mixer another try once I have a better system, but from some googling I saw quite a few people with much better rigs saying they were having trouble too - of course no idea whether they were doing something wrong with it.

And yeah thank you! I actually did try a trial but found painter quite hard to use, which was another reason I was hoping to use mixer. I’ve bought a subscription so will just have to buckle down and figure it out!