Does anyone have fast rendering procedural clouds that actually look good?

This musgrave texture renders so much faster than some free openVDB clouds I’ve been trying to use, but it doesn’t look good. Has anyone mastered using the procedural textures to actually get decent looking fluffy clouds?

Also does anyone have a node group that makes Object Coordinates match the general size of Generated Coordinates? I never like the stretching that Generated gives if the object is rectangular but the size of the same textures using Object coordinates is like a tiny fraction of the size of Generated.

Barrack.blend (2.0 MB)

just multiply the vector by 0.5

0.5 works for the cube its size is 2 in all dimensions. Without being able to test atm, I believe the thing to do, which cannot be done automatically (without drivers anyway) is to divide by the object dimensions. Generated has some specific use cases. Not sure why you’d want to use that over object coordinates.

For sure, if your object scale is non-uniform and different than 1. Driver ll be the key to preserve the ratio.
But if you deform your mesh in edit mode… it ll be ok
But you can also use an empty as reference object for texture coords to be sure to have different cloud and aa unique scale ref… i think it ll work.

My cloud box is like a mile in x, half a mile in y, 10 feet in z and I applied scale because it made generated coordinates look better but still stretched and later I switched to object coordinates because I disliked the stretching, then it took me forever to realize I needed to set the musgrave scale to something minuscule in order to “see” it again so I could start tweaking it.

This is a good tutorial

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here is clouds made with world nodes set up

it has clouds and stars but you can remove the stars if not needed

world-clouds-stars1.blend (160.3 KB)

just render it and it will show all background clouds and stars
and modify it to suit your scene

happy bl

i believe you can use the Attribute Node with “object” and use “dimensions”.