Does Anyone Know How to Install Machin3Tools in the Mac Version of Blender?

I’m doing the Blender Bros Hard Surface Modeling intro course, using an M1Max 16" MacBook Pro with Blender 3.1.0. They recommend using Machine3Tools, so I’ve downloaded and tried to install. I’m not even getting an error message now, it just doesn’t do anything when I open the folder and click on the Install button. I did some searching and found others with the problem, but the suggested solution: “Try and do “import numpy” in the Blender Python terminal. Seems it’s your Numpy installation that’s faulty, not MACHIN3tools.” is not what a complete beginner to Blender is going to respond to with unmitigated joy. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with the Add-On, it is a Mac issue, but can anyone provide a clear description of the steps required to get this installed?

Most addons have a thread on the forum that the author will be monitoring so the best way to get assistance is to try finding it and asking your support questions there.

The Machin3tools thread is here.