I find myself not switching and using the workspaces because they don’t seem to respect the state I left them in last. Does anyone use them?
What state do you lose when you switch Workspaces? I haven’t really noticed anything like that.
There are things that are global to all editors of a certain type, so if you change one of those things in one place it changes everywhere, but other than that Workspaces seem to retain all their state as far as I’ve seen.
Mostly the issues happening when using dyntopo. I would sculpt with dyntopo, switch to modeling, and switch back to dyntopo and dyntopo would have silently been disabled.
But I would also see weirdness sculpting (non dyntopo) and switching to modeling and edit/object would have toggled and random verts would be selected in edit mode, when I had left it in object mode.
Dyntopo is a specific case. It always gets toggled off when switching modes, because it will destroy your mesh data, like UV mapping.
Quick tip: If you don’t care about your UV maps, just delete it in Properties > ObData. Then Dyntopo will stay on.
I like that, but it still toggles object mode/edit mode.
Add a cube in object mode, switch to sculpt, dyntopo, sculpt a stroke, switch to modeling, the cube is now in edit mode. Why?
Because the Workspaces are meant to change tasks. If you switch to modeling, it is meant to put you en Edit Mode.
Each workspace has a mode that is associated with it. You can set this in Properties > Tools > Workspaces
I hear you, it’s the kind of thing that sounds great on a whiteboard, but in reality I just want the last state I left a workspace in to be respected, and so I really don’t use them.
Well, a sculpting workspace is not so useful if it doesn’t put you in Sculpt mode, for example.
Do you honestly use 2.8 for dyntopo sculpting and modeling on a regular basis? I know you’re defending it, but do you really use it?
Of course workspaces may need to switch modes but they should not force state back to their defaults.
I find it handy that it switches modes. Sometimes I’ll make an adjustment to the UV mapping and tab into object mode, then the next time I switch to the UV workspace it’s back in edit mode. I find it to be a nice feature.
There is some logic in what it’s doing, but I wish you could create a generic workspace(s) that you could configure and leave in whatever mode/state you wanted and you could just come back to it untouched. Is there a way to do this?
Yes, you can. If you click the + icon at the end of the row of tabs you can duplicate the current workspace, configure it to your liking, and then save your startup file.
The Dyntopo thing is not really related to Workspaces. The same is true if you just switch modes normally.
That’s not what I am asking. What I want is simply a workspace that will not change its state when switching.
Humorously, I’m slightly on the other side of the fence. I have been avoiding workspace switching because scenes and workspaces have been decoupled in 2.80. It used to be (prior to 2.80) that I could have one scene open in my Compositing layout and another scene open in my Animation layout; they’re linked, but each with slight additions to account for what I’m doing (animating vs compositing). I could quickly switch between the two and work very quickly. Now in 2.80, when I want the same behavior, I need to switch both the workspace and the scene. So rather than switch workspaces, I just switch the scene and make minor changes to my layout on the fly. Not as nice, but faster than the double switch.
also to mention saving as startup file is buggy and might break your blender
last time i created my custom workspace ( save it as startup )
suddenly one of the tools was broken in blender / when i use that tool its causes crashing
when i updated or use new blender version
the only fix i know is to restore default settings so it will create a new startup blend file
to be able to use that tool
it was a disaster and i need to start over again everything from scratch
and i dont use default hotkey of blender and its heavily config
also i dont want to use keyconfig preset ( keymap ) or import it causes hotkey issue overlapping with Blender default
i will never touch blender save as startup again
Yes, I can see that being useful. But conversely it could also be quite disorienting: If you set a certain scene and then switch workspaces, you might not expect that your scene changes too
I do expect that my scene changes, whether from intuition or experience, I couldn’t say. Largely that matters less than the fact I’m working slower now and not taking full advantage of workspaces.
THe new interface looks so polished and has great promise, but the truth is I am working about 70% slower in it. I will never be able to stop hitting z for wireframe, which triggers a shit show pie fart.
Ok, now this is an actual question: If each workspace forces you into its designated interaction Mode, how is each workspace tab any different from just switching the mode yourself?