this is a lightwave’s plugin ee_grit
does blender has a dirt texture plugin?
this is a lightwave’s plugin ee_grit
does blender has a dirt texture plugin?
yers thre are some dirts plugin available at blender
find the CD for blender and yu download the plugin for you system and you’l find it there
i;ll try to come back with the site if i can find it
You can also bake an Ambient Occlusion pass and use the resulting UV map as a dirt map.
Actually, you’d bake AO into a texture map, then use that image as a Stencil in the texture stack to blend between a non-dirt texture and a dirt texture (or, to get even better, use it as a stencil to blend between a non-dirt and dirt material in the node editor).
Macouno wrote the Maself script which creates vertex colors to darken “sunken” areas of a mesh. This could also be used as a mask for dirt texture and gives subtly different results from AO.
thanks~~bake can resolve the problem.
but i think if blender have a dir texture would be better and directly.
in the vertex paint mode has a script self shadow can do the dirt effect:o
bake it into a texture map is more useful:D
I’m interested in the topic. Could you give a more precise explanation of the process?
Seconded. =D
the process
Yeah – I love using vert painting as a mask between materials.
Nice example billyJ!
Where did you find these node?