Does having too many point lights suck all the energy out of other lights and the environment?

I downloaded a night scene that contained a lot of street lights.

I want to make it daytime so I added Nishita Sky Texture.

There seemed to be no shadows being cast by the sun in the sky texture.

I turned off all the lights:
2021-04-23 23_45_33
I see the shadows I expect from the sky texture’s sun

I turn on 3 lights deep inside of a building at the far end of the street. Everything gets a little darker.
2021-04-23 23_47_35

I turn on all lights that line the street and things get super dark:
2021-04-23 23_49_17

2021-04-23 23_49_59

any idea what’s happening?

This happens in 2.92 as well as the 3.0 branch with the new version of Cycles.

I deleted all lights and recreated them from scratch. The problem still happens.

Are you doing regular path tracing? I bet branched path tracing solves that situation. It’s quite a big limitation thou. I hope a robust solution will be behind the corner for cycles x

Can you give more info about the actual limitation? I don’t understand what’s happening?

I don’t know the technical side, but I also faced this problem.
I think that branched path tracing can clear the issue since, by its design, for each sample the ray look for all lights in the scene, and not just a random one.

Keep in mind you can render out in different light passes and simply add the images together. For interior lights you can add a simple passthrough node group you can add as a dummy in world for easy access with the sun setup.

Have you tried disabling “Multiple Importance” on all of the point lights? It may result in more noisy image, but may solve problem with “light sucking”.

yes. no improvement.

Ans what about using branched path tracing?

yes branched path tracing works but only is available on CPU. The cpu in the laptop I’m using at the moment is slower than cpu in 7 year old macbook. No fun.

Hopefully cycles x will tackle this once for all. They removing BPT in favor of regular path tracing and of course they know what they’re doing: I miss the technical part but something like sampling all light will be used, or at least the result will be like that.
Actually I’m not sure how I know this…