Does Screw modifier generate UVs?

I’m having a hard time trying to find if screw modifier in Blender does generate UVs out of it’s result. I really need these UVs to be generated in a dynamic way because keeping the stack is very important in this case. Is it possible?


Sure – just click “apply” and the UVs are altered.
EDIT: Oh, wait, you want it dynamic. I see. Hm… What are you doing after you insert the screw modifier?

Thanks for the answer! But indeed I don’t want to have to apply. I don’t understand why blender forces the user to apply the modifier to have it’s texture coordinates altered. This should be possible to set from within the modifier itself. Anyway, I have a long, twisted object created with screw modifier and after that I have a lattice deforming it and a curve modifier to deform along a path. I want to keep this stack because I’m probably going to have to modify stuff a lot…


Wouldn’t it repeat the UV texture that you apply to the original (pre-screw) mesh? So if you make something repeatable, I imagine it would loop pretty well.

I really should just try it, but in the case of an array, the UVs are repeated with the array; if you want to adjust any specific elements of the array you have to apply the array. Only then do you get a UV map with the many instances of the mesh. So I’m guessing it’s similar with the screw modifier… the problem is that once you change the setting on the modifier the UVs would be dramatically changed (if you increase iterations, for instance).