Does Sverchok addon work on 2.9?

I see NameError: name ‘nodes’ is not defined

when try to checked it in after installation

Thanks [nikitron]
But I see neither of error lines they mentioned . Tried to install python 3.4 and numpy anyway. There seems no binary of numpy for windows and I couldn’t compile it on win10 too.

Sverchok works more or less on my super ancient Mac without any extra anything but I can’t really work on that toy.

This is how it looks on my MacBook:

My config:


Sverchok (Sverchok Extra also installed):

I used Homebrew / MacPorts in combination with installs from inside the Blender Python directory which on my Mac is at:


Pip List in a terminal shows just about everything installed, but, still having problems with PyMCubes.

Tested on examples here and at Sverchok-Extra Gallery (Under the Issues tab).

Some work, some don’t. Mixed results. Then again, they’re both WIP.