Does the armature deforming the mesh have to be the same size?

Hello !

This may be obvious to some of you, but not to me.

  1. This mesh have been rigged with an other armature.
  2. I have “unparented” this armature.
  3. I have “reparented” the mesh to an other armature, with the option : empty vertex groups.

note : both armatures have the same bone names and hierarchy, only the sizes of the bones are different.

  1. The legs, the arms, the spine are deforming correctly, but the hands …

Here you can see the index in its rest state (you won’t see it as I can only post one image just imagine a regular hand…)

And here when I move the index bone

I could readjust the model, but it may be very tedious, especially since the proportions between the skeleton and the character are not identical.

I also have tried to delete the finger’s vertex groups and create new ones without success.

Do you think it is hopeless ?

Thanks !

It doesn’t have to be the same size but if your finger bones aren’t located on the knuckle, the fingers will not rotate around the knuckle. Instead, they’ll rotate about wherever you put the bone. The position of the bone is the center of rotation.

It’s not at all clear why you wanted to do this…

@bandages Thank you for the reply !

I would have liked to export this character to a game engine, but to be able to use the animations provided by the engine and the “market place” I must use a specific skeleton. But this skeleton does not correspond well to my model, and I avoid modifying it for fear of having problems during the importation into the engine.

I’ll have to find another solution …

Thank you !

The odds are very high (not necessarily perfect) that you can get what you want by taking your skeleton and moving the bones. Select the armature, enter edit mode, select and move (‘g’) bones into places appropriate for your mesh. Then, it ought to work more nicely.

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Yes that was what I was thinking to do, I have no other choice !

Thank you again for your help !