I am currently in the process of creating my first game, a first-person horror adventure. This will eventually become my high school senior project, due this next spring. After several years of toying with the built-in game engine, I decided I was finally ready to try something big, and the project is now well under way.
In this game, you play in first-person as a mad scientist named Damian, who used to be bent on world domination. He now faces amnesia after being shot with a tranquilizer dart. Upon “waking up" from a dream-like tutorial level, he must explore the ground floor of his facility in an attempt to figure out who he is (or was, for that matter). Meanwhile, he is being followed by a strange teddy bear. Once he has collected enough information, he may access the elevator to the next floor where he learns about this teddy bear-shaped demon following him. Finally, on the top floor, he must prepare and unleash one of his older inventions in an attempt to stop the possessed doll. The game will also feature research into human psychology (like the use of binaural beating sound waves to invoke certain feelings in the player).
This is a school project, and as such I am not interested at this point in releasing this game very far beyond my local test group and this website. I would still really appreciate feedback and pointers on the game as it develops. If somebody knows of a good site to publish it on for others to use for free, I would appreciate that as well. I intend to list everyone who provides some of their insight to this project in the credits of the game as a show of gratitude when it is finished.
As this is a school project that I am working on by myself, the game will be subject to:
- Plot change
- Total game shortening
- The project being replaced altogether as the due date approaches
I definitely do not want end up choosing the third option considering all the work I have already put into creating this, which is why I am seeking out the collective wisdom of the forum.
Attached to a this and following post should be a few screenshots and a trailer that I have created for the game. I do have a .blend file containing the tutorial level, a few cutscenes, and the finished (although largely unpolished) first floor of the game that I would be more than willing to post on this forum for testing if people are interested.
I do have a question right away, however. Is it acceptable for me to ask questions pertaining to bug-fixing, optimizing, and exporting this game as a stand-alone on this thread? Or, if I run into a problem, should I go to the Game Engine Support forum and ask for more-specific help there?
Thanks in advance for any help and interest in this project! I look forward to your feedback.