Don´t know what game I gonna do

hi, for a while ago I created astrolooter and coptercave…
And I feeling to start new project… But I´m sure what I going to do…
I was thinking about a ball-in-maze game, but I saw alot of other similar game with that gameplay…
I also was thinking about a racegame, but I lacks of skills enougth to comlete it with AI and physics.
Third choice would be a spaceship-“simulator” in multigame splitscreen, here I dont see any limits in my skills who would stop me to do this game, but otherwise, how many would play it, it would also need a joystick for the 2nd player, that I have, but I know not everybody have…
Dunno how fun this gameplay would be in final anyway… tell me…

at last, maybe a sidescrolling-run&jumpgame, like old mariostyle, mostly all content created as flat alphas, this would probably take long time to complete all levels to make it as big as a “real” game.:o

If I learn to make good physic-realism for cars, I also could make a slitscreen racinggame, but I really wanna need some tutorials, and I rather use logicbricks than python so far as possible… ofcourse.


I wonder how you could do the splitting screen… if you find a way plz share with us, and most game will need python script… exept if it is VERY basic game. But I think that whatever you are going to do , you will surely ran into some complexe things that you will need python like, save/Load script, mouse script(if youre using the mouse of course) and other optional script like a shader script or sumtin… well good luck with finfing a idea for a game

make a search for the splitscreenscript, very easy to use…
I can ofcourse use some python, if the game is upgradible, like multiplayergames and that who make people to play it over and over again, I will probably first make alot of stuff with logicbrick to later switch more and more to python to clean it up and improve the gameplay, if possible…