Donut-Day; my 1 year blender-journey collage

today, one year ago, i finished my donut. never posted it, so i made a little collage of some of my renders this year.
I made a ton of projects, so it wasn’t easy looking for the best/ best representative pieces of this year.

In this time i joined lots of challenges, like the monthly CGboost-challenge, sculptjanuary and my favorite challenge: nodevember.
I love working with geometrynodes since fields, and in nodevember i discovered my passion for creating plants with geo nodes

but also sculptjanuary was fun, and i improved a lot, although dailies for month was quite a challenge.

and i made much more, but i’ll have to pick a few, i hope it’s a nice mixture

recently in the last months i was working on draw-able nature-assets with geometry-nodes.
my most recent sketch is a wall-generator inspired by antoni gaudi’s park güell

draw-able assets are super fun! most of the time i work on my plants, but it’s also nice to have some other projects. I am a gardene, so i love plants and flowers but working on different other garden-assets. is sometimes good for sanity ;D

It’s been quite a journey, and i obsessively loved it! looking forward to the next years!