
So I did the Blender Guru donut tutorial awhile ago and thought it turned out well. I’ve been trying to get better at doing realistic renders and over the past few months have learned more how to do so. I have been doing a little here and there in my free time since I started learning Blender at the beginning of the year. I thought I would try to create a more realistic donut scene.


this looks super nice , the render is so much great

the donuts top Chocolate looks a little bit more like plastic, but i am not sure, iv, never seen a donuts before in my life :smile: so i might be wrong about it

2nd thing is the shadow looks to much sharpy, it almost looks like if your holding the light closly to the table , i believe if this is the ceiling light , the shadow would be more blury and soft,

but the it,s great, even beter than what i did over the last 6 years

This is the first donut I did that wasn’t realistic at all


Thank you.

I hadn’t even thought about the sharp shadows. I had added an extra light right by it so that the render wouldn’t look as grainy. Maybe I’ll try another render without that light and see how it looks.

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ok dont move the light, but change it,s size,
the biger the size of the light, the soft the shadow,s are, like try , 0.30 or so in the lamp sittings

I will try that thank you.

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turn on denoising in properties panel and under render layers
then under world – settings turn on multiple importance
oh and as far as wanting your render to look more real
the real world is imperfect so think of scratches on stuff stains
chips cracks bubbles in icing and rotate your donuts cause the look identical in the render
icing is too thick and perfectly placed on the donut, this would not likely happen in the real world
also placement of objects like the plate being exactly centered on the table offset it a bit on location and rotation
give the icing some random bump and same to the breading as well

set color management to filmic

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Thank you for the advise I will give that a try.

In the screen shot of the example with the pink icing, I noticed the icing has an occlusion shadow between it and the bread. It shows me that the icing is not stuck to the donut and looks like it hovers. Maybe you could merge the vertices in that region, or maybe stick the icing into the donut.

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Thank you for the input I started trying that out on the chocolate donut yesterday, after seeing your post.

This is after making some adjustments based on comments