Doodle 2D into 3D animations.

I did this over the past 7 days. I like the style - sketches imported to flat planes, then animated.

Is there a name for this kind of animation? There’s got to be. It’s like cut-paper, but, maybe, what, paper dolls? I don’t know. I’ve been searching for more examples but I can’t find any. I know I’m just using the wrong phrases.

I have questions:

  1. How can I get the shadows to show up? (of just the images, ignore the transparency of the pngs) I found some documentation, but it’s for Blender 2.4 - I have no idea how to translate that to 2.6

  2. How can I get these imported textures to show up properly when I’m animating it? All I see are white squares:

  3. And what about Blender Cycles? I’m using Blender Render. When I switch to Cycles, I lose all textures when I render it:

Okay so I’m poking around with Nodes, and that’ll hopefully answer most of these questions.

Nicely done - I really like it.

if your going to use cycles, than you will have to reapply your materials and textures. Both engines a different way. I haven’t used BI all that much, so I can’t help you on your shadow question.

I took a look at your animation, it was really well done, nice job.

Thanks - I’ve started re-applying, and of course, I need to learn more about cycles first. Always learning.

check the receive transparent button in materials.
Nice animation.
I drive 60 unless there is a tourist in front of me. You cant pass on the roads here.

nice animation!

concerning your second question:
if you switch the display to textured the image textures should show up (in internal at least)
you can do can change the viewport shading in the menu right next to the one that says object mode (or edit mode) below the 3d viewport

you may also want to activate GLSL Shading
hit N in 3d Viewport
in the Panel that appears on the rigth: Display->Shading, choose GLSL
that way what the viewport shows is closer to what the actual render will be like

I’m such a fool! I never stopped to try this. I’ve been wrestling with Blender Cycles and nodes and getting frustrated, when this worked perfectly. Thank you!