Doodle Up!

Doodle Up Your Devices!

Our Doodles Skins are here to jazz up your devices. Express your self with a burst of creativity - because life is too short for boring gadgets!

Art Work by Hisham Hamed

Doodle Up! A 3d Product animation & visualization from Osama Barghash on Vimeo.

Current device customization options fall short in delivering truly unique and personal expressions, leaving users with generic and uninspiring choices that don’t reflect individuality.

Our solution
Doodle Up! is a game changer in device customization. offering hand-drawn doodle skins for your everyday gadgets, providing you with a personalized canvas, turning ordinary devices into distinctive works of art and setting a new standard for personal expression.

This is a personal project.
Modeling and animation were done in blender, textures in substance painter, rendered using Octane render, and compositing was done in Davinci resolve.

Thank you for watching!
Follow me on Behance and Instagram for more.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Thank you! that’s fantastic news, Have a wonderful weekend as well!

Is this an actual product? Or just fictional?

Unfortunately. It is just a concept.

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WOW! This is so cool

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