Can I hire her? Working on my new apartment (that’s why I don’t post artwork these days LOL)
excellent and brilliant work Doris. Love it.
Glad I saw what you aimed for! I suspected some deliberate colour choice (split complimentary?) - it works quite well, it is certainly striking.
ah, michalis, too bad, vicky already made an appointment … glad you enjoy, i sure had fun bringing this idea to life
yes, matt, split complimetary it was called… i try learn using colors correctly (so that i can break the rules afterwards…lol)
Breaking rules is one of the finer things in life haha
Doris I’ve been admiring your sculptures for quite some time. And, I have to ask was the robot box modeled, sculpted or both? Also Kudos on your new found rigging skills. It seems I have to visit Tutorialville every time I do it through. Good stuff.
hi theoldghost (what a great forumsname!), thanks for the nice words… the method is same as masterxeon1001 showed in his videos, that means i first sculpted the basic forms, then made retopo of each part, like head, arm pieces etc. after that i refined each coarse retopo via standard modeling in edit mode. so, the bulk of work was done in edit mode, sculpting just gave the foundation of tqhe meshes…
Hi doris,
why don’t you modeled it directly, it’s way more easy when it concerns non organic objects, you have more control and it’s much quick.
paolo, since i cannot feel form when extruding faces and pushing vertices. sculpting in dynatopo feels like clay, i can “feel” if form is good,this makes the extra time worth it, for me at least.
This sounds strange to me really.
Of course I’m thinking about a certain type of object, but for instance to shape the limbs of a humanoid robot, and find their right proportions, is very easy for me if starting from cylinders and refining them by loop cuts and extruding.
I don’t mean to criticize, not at all, you are so good in your work that nobody can teach to you which workflow is better.
yes, paolo, ok, limbs might be easier, i can see that, as long as they are paralel to an axis. but for judging, i like to have them in good, natural pose right from the beginning, i did not sculpted a tpose, but a pose with the arms on her side, so they were not parallel to an axis… but torso, and face, you know how subtle the changes need be to create form correctly, i really cannot imagine doing that in edit mode, , … which proves that you have a way better imagination for forms than i have … i recently spoke with a blender friend, and he said too that he finds working in edit mode easier than in sculpting, so, i am strange …lol…
It easier to me because I have great control over the shape, a technical control I mean, and so to say, a rounded surface is… rounded.
After all, you can make something only if you can see it in your mind, the rest is just personal attitude and preferences; for sure each one has his proper way, and it’s good to follow it.
not completely blender, but i like to share, and i hope its ok as blender was some part of it too…
this was a fun portrait, and quite challenging, as mr nilsson was quite hard to grasp. pippi was sculpted in zbrush, the monkey partly in zbrush and partly in blender, the horse began in blender and got there also its nice topology, then final sculpt in zbrush, altogether which weighs almost 16 mill polygons… rendered in cycles, color added in photoshop. i hope you like
hahaa very nice picture doris! I like a lot his expression is the same that original and is very funny!, congrats !
I will take more inspiration :).
I see ur lazy with the texturing
thank you jose! glad to hear that it is inspiring
gremlin, thank you… lazy or trying a new technique? i saw that this is a well used method in film industry to quickly create color concepts for a given sculpt and wanted give it a try.
Haha! I knew you would do pippi one day Really good sculpt!
Pippi… ha ha
Love it.
hey bonrw1, then you knew more than me thanks for looking
hey michalis, thank you, i bet you enjoyed pippi in your youth same as me
i bet you enjoyed pippi in your youth same as me
Don’t bet on this…
The first I enjoyed in TV was StarTreck (TOS)
oh, then boys are different from girls…lol