Double Axe

Having a little trouble with adding this pattern image to the blades and giving it an engraving effect on my axe with photoshop… using the wand selects the white inside the image which isn’t what I want, I want to select only the black lines of the pattern only :no: .

The file you posted is a little low res so I’m not sure how good the quality will be but here’s the steps for ya.

Easiest way:
Change the viking pattern’s blending mode to multiply. Doesn’t make the artwork truly transparent but for most purposes, it works.

Longer, truly transparent technique:

  1. Make only the viking pattern layer visible.
  2. Switch over to your channel panel.
  3. Hold down the Command key (Control in Windows) and click on the thumbnail of the grey channel. Doing this makes a selection based on the luminosity of the channel.
  4. Switch back to you layers panel.
  5. Make a new layer.
  6. Invert your selection by pressing Cmd(or Ctr)+Shift+I or by going to Selection>Invert
  7. Fill with black by either pressing D and the pressing alt+delete or
    go to Edit>Fill>Use: Black

I’ve attached a transparent .png for you.

Happy Blending.
