Downloading Blender

I am deeply sorry if I am posting this at the wrong place, I just can’t figure out where to put it.

My question is about downloading the program. It kept saying that my Safety Security does not allow a Program like Blender to be downloaded. I tried turning my firewall off but it still did not work.I also tried to download this using FireFox but it still won’t work. Are there any suggestions? I really need this program because it for my school work. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Again, I am so sorry if i posted this at the wrong place.

What exactly is telling you you can’t download it? :confused:

If you don’t tell us, we can’t help you. I do have a guess to throw out, though:

When I first upgraded Firefox 3.0, I was disgusted to find that it wouldn’t let me download many FLOSS programs. Turns out they added support to read some of your Internet Explorer settings, which includes whether you can download stuff or not. Took me a bit of finding; I never use Internet Explorer. If this is your problem, look through the Internet Settings applet in the Control Panel, and see if you can get it to work.

Because something pops up saying “Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded.” So yeah… I don’t know what things to change and what not.

Ok what programm are you using to download? Do you have permission to change the settings of the programm you are downloading from?
In FireFox you can specify what to do with different files you download. Try selecting the link with your right mousbutton and choose Save Target as… and see if you still get a popup.

Could you show us a screenshot of your popup?

Yep that sounds like the message Firefox threw at me.

I am not sure what I did to fix it, but this might be it:
Run inetcpl.cpl and go to the Security Tab. Change the security to Medium High, and save settings. See if this works for you.

I really hate this feature of Firefox to check your Internet Explorer settings, I have only used Internet Explorer once, when Firefox stopped working and I needed to reinstall. That one time, just being on the internet for a couple of minutes, my computer was trashed with random garbage. I promptly turned up all the security settings and vowed never to use it again (not only is it insecure, it sucks!). Then firefox starts to complain about me downloading things. It took me a while to discover that it was reading the IE settings.

This is the Screenie of the pop up.

Uggh… Internet Explorer… and lots of toolbars too! :eek:

Yeah, what I said to do should fix it. Open inetcpl.cpl, then go to Security and change it to medium. I’d recommend to turn it back up once you’re done downloading Blender, because Internet Explorer is a security risk.