Dragon tf for 2D-animation

I am making a transformation into a dragon, and therefore I have to create 3 models for the start, middle and end. The middle-model is always the first one that is finished with the form. You have to model the endresult first, then scale, shift and rotate the bones to match the beginning. Then you make one shapely for the mesh to look like the start-form.
Them set the sliders on 33.3%. Now you create the middle form via retopo. Then you rig it. Then you do the same withe the teeth, horns, claws, tongue and eyes. Then again bone scaling and shaping. Don’t forget to use a separate object for the sliders to prevent a dependency loop. Use multiple sliders for left leg, right leg, body wings head and so on. It’s a lot of work with drivers and anatomy.
Now the middle part is done.

Here you see hi, at 33.3%, 50% and 66.6%. Just the start and end to do.

Here is the end. 75 and 100%. Of course the texture is missing but I will add that later.

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