Dragon wip

I’ve been working on dragon of sorts, and I was wondering if what changes I should make to the model. The head isn’t finished, as I’m planning to finish up the body first.


That looks like a nice start! how many polys?

Thank you, I don’t really know how many polys it has as I can’t find a way to get the polygon count of an object.

look in the upper right hand corner of the screen

nice start, realy good could we see a subsurfed model? or would you like to keep it low poly?
the only thing i can think of to improve is that his hands are a bit to big for his arms (unless that is the style u like)
i think : or make the arms fatter and more muscular
or make the hands smaller

but thats just what i think :smiley:

Votrem: Ahh, thanks. With mirroring turned off, it comes as 1069 faces - a lot more then I had expected.

Linius: Thanks for your input, here’s a subsurfed version.


I donno… but this looks to me more like a frog. Are you sure you are trying to make a dragon here? :open_mouth:

It’s hard to tell what it looks like with just this angle. Maybe if you post a side and top view on your next update?

Okay, here are the other views. I figure the topology will need a lot of work, so critique away!


to be honest the topology looks really good to me…pretty decent on the polys too. good work…you say you wanna wait before modeling the head…this might be good,but you can work better topology and flow if the head is put on now. hopefully that made some sense…lol

Well, body topology is very basic, and you have nailed it. The only thing I guess you would have to do I guess is to make the extra edgeloops around the joints, which you have already did. This thing is starting to look really cool!

You might want to spend a little more time on the tail. Make it more curved and dragon-like. But looks good so far except the feet are off a little.

Actually I like that this is not your typical dragon. Wonder where CD is…

Yea this has been around for a long time, think he would of been here by now… Hm… great work though. But you might want to scale the feet along the Y axis, that might help the look.

Okay, I reduced the width of the fore foot. It that what you meant?


Ohhh :frowning: I liked it that the feet were bigger. Gave the character something unique.
Well lets wait how he turns out once the head is on.

By the way… what’s this? Human finger nails on a dragon? :confused:

I wasn’t sure how else to do the claws, although I’m open to suggestions.

You can make them come out of the middle of the end of the finger/paw/thing. Just have like the end of the mesh be a circle and extrude it back into the hand and have the claw coming out. Hope that was clear.

I’m not so sure about that. I Googled “reptile claw” and this came up. Although the claws probably do look a bit too human, so I’ll have to do somthing about that.
