I am started to learn blender, with the help the references of video, i hv tried to make dragon body spikes with the following steps — particle effects > hair > from face > rendered as object > assigned a spike object > adjusted the values in the particle context > applied it on weight paint group of the model
Now i got a spikes aligned with the model in one direction in the mirror part of the model the spikes are aligned in the opposite direction.
Herewith i have attached the reference image of the model.
After sometime, i am struggling to mirror the following group of spikes from x axis to -x axis.
In Maya, i have done it easily by grouping the objects and center the pivot to the grid and duplicate and change the values of scale x to -1. In blender, i cant able to do that.
Okay. I couldn’t really understand what was gooing on with your file so I grabbed the meshes, exported them as an OBJ and then created a new blender scene and imported it.
Centered the origin, applied the transforms and it worked. You must’ve done something to your blend file somewhere along the way.
Also fiddled around in your blend file, it seems there’s something wrong in rotation. I applied rotation to the spikes then repositioned them on the head and after that i applied mirror to it, and it worked.
I’m guessing same think happened with the scales due to some wonky rotation. Always keep aware of object origins when doing things in blender. The origin must be in the center of the world so that the modifiers can work. Does anything i’m saying shake loose any memories of awkward manipulations ?
Thank you @Pherion@MaleficMist for the guidance provided.As Pherion said i exported the entire model as OBJ > import > set origin to center > applied transform > achieved results.
see the results guys
And for the mirror part, you can simply use the head object as mirror object and it will work just fine. The modifier uses other objects origin point to set the mirror location.
Hi thanks for the reply dude. after that i hv found the necessary corrections and understood how it needed to be done. Above i have attached the updated model with some textures.
Thanks again.