My first post here at eylsiun as well as my first serious attempt at a blender model. I want to add some more minor detail to the model to define the muscles and bones. I also have yet to add some horns, teeth and eyes. I’m not sure what the proper way to go about texturing this is. The model will eventually be animated. Any C&C is more than welcomed and appreciated.
The tail is too wide at the entry, were the tail and body meet. And also the head is proportioned wrong, it needs to be bigger. But the wings are modeled very well.
EDIT: and the tail might need to be longer.
Thanks for the tips and am implementing them now
It is not a bad start but here is a few things that bothered me but everyone’s version of a dragon is different
1-The wings are way to thick! They should resemble more the wings of a pterodactyl (which is my opinion is extremely similar to a dragon in fantasy stories. People discovering such bones (i am sure they did find dinosaur bones from time to time) might have started the folklore stories of dragons…
returning to my poing. Make the wings extremely thin but thinker where the bones are.
2-The head is a bit wrong but so far alright. Make it a big more lizardlike with rather sharp edges.
3-Tail should be longuer and thiner.
Not a bad start at all. I am sure this will turn out a great Model!
I think the back legs should be wider, the bone that joins to the spine.
The muscles there should be large as the dragon will push off with his back legs.
The wings are thick as said before me.
Good model
phehe… looks like i’m the only one thinking that the head is good the way it is. only the snout might be a bit less long to balance things a bit. just as a side note: if you want to fly you don’t want a heavy and big head because of (a)weight, (b)aerodynamics. your head is good, don’t swander it.
the wings definitly look odd. they are somehow too dominant and thick. try to make them less broad (not wide, from body to wing tip) as it looks more like an airplane like this. and less thick they should also be because once more of point (a) and (b).
legs itself look ok too. you can discuss about the front hand beeing bend the other way round are not. both versions exist in zoology so it’s up to you what looks better. here too heavy and thick legs are counter-productive. if you want a real-world dragon thick legs are wrong because again of (a) and (b). if you want a fantasy dragon i would not change them much too as the proportions look good (yes, most fantasy dragons look awefull as people totally crank up proportions because of OMFG!! thick thicker the thickest!).
also the tail is ok. no idea why some think this is too narrow on the base. it is though too uniform towards the tip. it should narrow down. but that’s all i can see there beeing a bit wrong.
definitly one of the best start-dragons i’ve seen so far, don’t break it
Wow Thank you all for your replies. I have implemented many of your sugggestions. I have added Eyes and now am working on the eyelids and sockets as well as down the middle where I joined my two meshes. I have added some new screens which will hopefully give a better representation. I could use some suggestions as to how/which texture I should go use. (ie procedure/uv) A combo? Anyone know of any good ones already out there?. Please keep the C&C coming. I’ll keep you all updated.
Only really have a couple hours a week to work on this so please excuse the time lapse. I have started to texture the model as you can see. I like the pebble skin I have and I wanted translucent wings (maybe a bit darker than what I have but as you can see Ive got an ugly border between the two materials. Suggestions on how I can Nicely blend those two together? Any other C&C is also welcome.
Try using a normal map at the skin of the Dragon and try making the wings reflective and maybe a texture on it wich is also transparant that will look cool !