
yea id love that, would be very helpfull.

@ ace dragon, thanks for tip about the foot i thought that would be ok ill get on it.

i want to start working on the head now, only trouble is there are so many cool dragon face styles i cant decide on what to make it look like :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is the dragon I was talking about, hopefully, it can give you an idea of how a dragon anatomy could look like :wink:



Keep up the great work and happy blending :wink:

DAmn Jeannot thats seriously impressive lol. you should post some wires to give sephiroth a helping hand with the wing topology

Actually, I don’t have that dragon anymore :frowning: just the image, so I cannot show wires unfortunately. Well, if I still have it, I cannot find it :S

I’ll check some more and see. But this should give sephiroth a good idea on dragon mythical anatomy :wink:

thats great landry thanks awesome dragon. really helpfull to look at others work, i can see a couple of ways to improve my dragon from that.

sorry about the multiple posts above, browser problems :frowning:

Yay, I found my dragon model :slight_smile:

Here is the .blend with the base mesh, hope it helps :wink:Dragon.blend (1.8 MB)

this is really coming along great, a huge difference since i last looked :slight_smile:
i have to admit sculpting is impressive and some great results come out of it, but you end up with such a high poly model, thats what i hate about it

thanks for the blend landry, thats really good of you, will help to look at your topo.
sadly my hdd has failed so production will be on hold till i get a new one, luckily managed to save my blend before it died.

bizla. i would love to sculpt it, i love how sculpting can make a model look so much better, waiting on more ram to be delivered right now :D. once im done with the base model i may keep two seperate blends, sculpted for stills, and then one just uv mapped for animating.

Sepiroth: You are welcome my friend. Although this model isn’t perfect topology wise, it was perfect for sculpting. If you want good topology, its easier to go over a sculpt since it allows you to think it ahead. When box modeling, its sometimes hard to modify certain parts of a mesh in a manner that it will keep quads. When doing re-topology on the other hand, you can easily see your anatomy flow, therefore you can sort of see your perfect quads edged loop perfect version of your model.

Keep up the good work :wink:
Happy Blending :slight_smile: