
UPDATED! New dragon concept.

I’ve always wanted to make my own dragon, and animated it so it can fly around.

I have skipped my old one, and this is my new dragon base mesh so far:

Yep - really nice start - I look forward to seeing a video. I think you need to work on the sky a little - looks too much like a nice sunny day, you are more likely to see dragons in murky skies and more intimidating lighting.

Cheers, Clock.

I was very unsatisfied with my initial dragon concept so I have decided to go for another concept. This one is more “solid” in mesh (no triangles, no loose parts except for teeth etc.) It will be much easier to sculpt properly, and most importantly, rig and animate!

This is my basemesh so far, after several hours of thinking and researching for my concept:

I wanted it to be more like a reptile-looking creature, and bat-like behavior (with its wings).

This approach will certainly make it easier to rig and animate. Getting rid of triangles and using only Quad faces also makes it easier and you can of course then use a Sub-Division Modifier without those pesky creases caused by tris.

Keep up the good work, Clock.

I have updated my dragon a bit. Sculpted a little.

beautiful dragons man