DragonBall - Master Roshi Portrait

Congratulations on the official release of Blender 3.2! :partying_face:
All almost done in Blender, except for some texture maps.
Using Blender 3.2 Beta (Daily Builds), I hope you like it :grinning:.

Sorry for the bad English, Google translate:
Try without Retopo and UVs, it takes a lot of brainstorming, and after many ~ many failed attempts, this is the best result I can achieve in this process so far.Too many meshes for dynamic sculpting,Displacement rendering cannot be used, it would be better if details could be used.

Viewport Render(Body hair is not involved in rendering)OptiX Denoise

(Left - Dynamic Sculpting) (Right - Sculpting Mode Vertex Color Painting)

Blender Dynamic Sculpting

More clay renders: Clay ver



Great job! It looks awesome.

Very cool!

Looks amazing… :ok_hand:

This is awesome! The detail in his eyes is really cool.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Thats Jackie Chun not Muten Roshi


Great portrait man!

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