Draise - Sketchbook

Love seeing your breakdowns and thoughts! Especially interesting because for me it would be discouraging to see the “improvements” the AI made to my sketches, but it’s fascinating and great that it motivates and inspires you!


Thanks for the comment!

Yeah, I guess my spin on it… is I started drawing thinking “Damn, I really gotta learn to draw to direct this new technology! I can now conceptualize everything I’ve ever dreamed now - without needing to specialize or the 10,000 hours or practice!!” So I was over the moon when this tech came out more and more, and thus I started the drawing exercises happenstance in the same time it went public - and now being able to push my drawing further than I can technically is really fun and creatively very fulfilling - for me…

I feel many people probably feel the opposite - but we can still be creative, nothing stops us from creating ultimately - even if it’s mud and sticks.

I did a bit more practice today:

Experimenting a new path for more polish

And a new experiment, with some “zoom and enhance” then repaint in Krita. This was so I could get a 2k image with brush detail, without putting in so much work for it.

The irony: I draw from a photo reference to practice in Greasepencil in a 3D software, then it is upscaled and detail filled, then re-brushed back intention manually with a digital drawing software.

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Drawing Practice - Day 170

It’s a big big day, because it’s the 170th day of practicing! A little bit of consistency goes a very long way. Each piece was a 10 minute from photo reference study.

And for fun, I spent last weekend setting up a ComfyUI generation system, with screen stream and control nets - now I can have the Krea workflow, but locally and with a lot more control and choice - and not to mention, all opensource and free!!! I can’t believe this age, it’s so nice.

Which is your favorite so far?

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Day 171 and 172. I was in the middle of onboarding a new job and an apartment move, so couldn’t do a lot.

But before the move, on the weekend, got a local stream gen going. Still gotta find some controlnets for the turboXL checkpoints, which has a much better fps to render, but it’s nice getting my grease pencil drawing stream live to fill in the blanks. Feels like text prediction on a smart keyboard on your phone.

Source Drawings

Had a few more days to practice.

And enjoyed a pushed render at the click of the mouse.


I like these two a lot. I’m slowly getting a better hang of the grease pencil.


Been slowing down progress, but also have been doing some live drawing sessions! Also been trying out new techniques and ideas.

There is nothing quite like going to a library cafe to see a live model drawing with other people - naked eyeballs, hand on paper!

In that same day, I could also generate a 3D model from an image in seconds as a base mesh to do a draw over with grease pencil.


One of these days past I went to bakery to practice, still connected to discord in Punto Blend to draw together. Love this day and age!

I am still drawing from reference, mostly from other artists still. But I feel little by little more confident with my hand and will. This was as style study with the GP.

I also had the honour of another life Drink and Draw session. This model was fun.

I also got to try out some selected generation as an additional render layer on a base grease pencil draw. I like the workflow, but you do have to be a bit of a multi-tool person to do it right and well.

This was the original sketch. i chose to keep most of the head and hands, the system was having trouble rendering that.


Day 187 and 188! Little by little things get better.