After doing some research about this issue i am facing, it appears that this has happened in a previous version of blender. Now, according to Brecht Van Lommel (brecht), from the blender repository, he is claiming that this has been fixed when the update of blender 2.72 was released. However, I am running Blender 2.74, and I am getting similar symptoms.
Firstly, I have seen articles saying that all of the faces from all selected objects must have the same image assigned to them, which I have done. In addition, I am seeing with-in certain selected objects that if I switch the selection order one way, the faces of the other selected objects are drawn, but then after switching the selection order again, this causes Blender not to draw the UV faces of the other selected objects. This seems really odd that you are able to view other objects one way, but then it doesn’t do this if I switch the selection order
So, I wanted to know if anyone else had this problem when using blender 2.74 or am I doing something wrong to properly get this working again?
I assume you are talking about the ‘Draw Other Objects’ in the UV editor
Just tried it in blender 2.74 and works as expected for me.
The selection order is important because you can only edit the UVs of the active object but it also just shows the UVs of all other selected objects. Therefore the last object selected is the active object.
What is the actual problem you are seeing. Show the screenshots of the entire blender interface and/or a .blend file
Hi Richard, in response to you assumption, yes, I am talking about in the UV editor. However, a strange thing happened to me this morning. Just as I was about to make screen shots of my problem, I went into Bender, and would you believe that the ‘Draw Other Objects’ was working.
Also, your thoughts about the selection order is not fully what I meant. As I was trying to explain, I meant it by saying that it shouldn’t make a difference if I wanted to say layout the UV’s of a vehicle door, and wanted the UV’s of the chassis to be drawn in the background, or I wanted to layout the UV’s of the chassis and have the UV’s of the vehicle door to be drawn in the background as long as both objects have the same UV Editor image applied to them. However, that is what was happening to me last night. Meaning, as I was working on the chassis, I was able to see the door’s UV’s in the background, but when I tried to make last minute adjustments to the door, i could not see the UV’s for the chassis being drawn in the background. Who knows why this was happening, but it could of been just because it was getting really last night, and I was getting really tired. Anywho, it was sure driving me nuts last night. Thanks for the help