Draw2Paint addon for 3D View


I got tired of not knowing how to get EZDraw working again so I went back to the ‘drawing’ board with this and adopted a simpler setup.

Still the same purpose, but a few different ways to go about making things happen.
TODO: still need to relearn how the crop tool used to work and get that back into the camera, as well as some of the smaller things still needed from EZPaint that were unique to that aside from the popups that are no longer needed with the dynamic brush menu addon shipped with blender.



Updated to include a bastardized version of the Vertex Group panel that works as Face Mask Groups in Texture Paint. The button on top, FMG+, generates automatic vert groups from islands thanks to some code from batFINGER on blender.stackexchange.com .

The groups are labeled as FMG.001 etc and come into play when painting complex mesh objects using Face Select Masking. The panel allows use of select/deselect, assign/unassign (set/unset) while in Texpaint mode because it toggles edit mode in the background like all the rest of my stuff does.

I did some modification to the subtract and join masks, and reordered the buttons to make more sense and updated the main page to describe it. Still looking at learning the enum property so I can make a dropdown for some of the mask primitive objects.

I added some experimental operators for 2d to 3d painting - have wanted to do this for some time now but finally started learning enough to rob bits of code and modify to get what I needed.

The 3D object needs to be in a collection named ‘object view’ and the camera and canvas need to be in a collection named ‘canvas view’ for it to work, but then you can swap view while to paint on either the 3d view or the 2d view. Selecting the 3d object with UV layer present, Get UV Overlay writes an export of the uv layout to C:\tmp and pressing UV to Camera loads that image to the scene camera.

I need to do some more work to add a place to input names for collections and a button to assign as well as input for the uv layout image name maybe. I also need to figure out the right way to prevent incorrect use before collections exist :wink:

Anyway, Mad scientist painter ops finally starting to come together! Too fun - but my wife just shakes her head at me when I try to explain, liek that meme of the guy with all the connecting strings on the white board…


I updated this for 4.1 and in the same effort decided to start experimenting with GPencil in my 2d painting with the texture paint. I added a GPencil panel with one operator to just add a single GPencil object and turn off lights for the session.

I added a popup for making a New Image in a floating 2D Editor so that precedes the Import Canvas, so the new flow would be to Add New Image to desired size and color, Save to disk, Import as Canvas and then set Camera to View. For now, the GPencil is just to View and I’m experimenting on what settings will work best like setting to Surface instead or parenting to Canvas.

I need to work on some personal mockups for acrylic paintings I want to do in meatspace, so this is more of the stuff that will help me explore compositions for that end.

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