I present my latest competition entry! The modelling was done in Blender, rendered in cycles and post processed in Gimp. This took every spare ounce of my time but I feel it is worth it! Everything here was done from scratch.
My computer was rendering all night for the past two nights. Luckily it is cold out and it heats my room nicely.
Excellent job on this Jared, and best of luck in the competition.
I have great memories of the 240z, when I was 16 our neighboor who was a pilot owned one. One week when he was flying, he let me borrow it for a few days. The looks I got from my friends,when driving into that high school parking lot still stay with me today. Unfortunately, reality set in, and I had to go back driving my old beat up Chevy Vega
But I love the way you aged the car, and very nice job on the compositing.
Thank you Harleynut for the compliments! It’s funny, 240Zs must inspire people to be pilots xD, my dad who is the one that owns the real life version of the Z was a pilot as well. Also yes that is so cool! One of my mom’s friend let me drive her Corvette a little bit, I would of loved to drive it to high school! Was your neighbor’s Z stock or decked out?
Actually today I passed by a SUPER clean 240z with a v8 swap, it sounded AMAZING!
They are one of my favorite cars as far as the looks go. It is a tad behind the latest generation Toyota Supra though ;).
Hey, this is a great render! Although I feel like I should warn you, in the contest rules (which I also entered), it states that the render can’t be published anywhere else online or offline…that’s why I didn’t post mine here.
Anyways good luck in the contest
Thank you, Gah this so so exciting, it has been my dream to make it to the top row feature :D!
Thank you for the complement, and keeping me on my toes Yeah I was a bit freaked out so I waited to post it on the Humster website before I shared it on the forums.
1.The work must not have been previously published anywhere, neither online or offline.
Is this the rule you are talking about? The “previously” part is the game changer :P, it was published on the Humster page first, so this publication isn’t previous :D,. Plus I am not sure how it can’t be published offline. I think this rule was put here so people don’t recycle there meshes and renders created before the competition. I am still a bit worried about it though
Ah, good catch. I’m gonna keep mine off here til the 10th just in case, but I think you are right.
I think you have a pretty good chance of winning something man! There’s a lot of good renders there, but yours definitely competes.
I think that F40 render is gonna be up there too…
Great work! I appreciate this as a Blender user and also as a petrolhead. If I had the money I’d sure as hell buy one of these and restore her. I can’t really decide between the 240Z and the MK1 Capri though.
They are referring to a render being published in a magazine/on television or other publicly available printed/broadcast media. A render that has only ever seen your hard-drive is not published.
Ah yes good idea :), and thank you!!! Yeah, some of the renders are CRAZY good!
Ah your welcome! :D, thank you for supporting me in the competition, your awesome!
Ah yes, I am guessing your a a petrol head too? :D, I love cars, they are so much fun and they are “usually” relaxing to work on. I am partial to the 240z because my dad always talks about it, but I love the MK1s too, they look so good!
Thank you Downfall!
Thank you Tardis! Hmmm, yeah, I am not sure if they are to thin, but more grass particles would of helped.
Ah yes, your right, my mind has been all over the place the lately and stuck on digital publishing.
nice job and excellent details. I just think the barded wire proportion is out of scale…i am not a pro modeler, but that retained my attention.Good luck.